Mecánica de Materiales

We are a research group dedicated to the modeling and mechanical characterization of materials, components and structures. We develop experimental, theoretical and computational activities to develop models with predictive capacity on the mechanical response of materials and their failure mechanisms. The Division is organized into two complementary groups specialized in Experimental Mechanics (LABMEX) and Computational Mechanics.

Our main lines of research are:

  • Predictive models for the fracture and fatigue behaviors of steels and welded structures,
  • Technologies for monitoring damage to parts and structures,
  • Computational fracture mechanics
  • Computational homogenization for the physical characterization of materials and microstructures
  • Modeling and multiscale for the characterization and design (optimization) of biomimetic cellular materials
  • Multi-scale design of bone implements

The products of our research have applications in structural integrity analysis and the design of mechanical components and structures, monitoring, prediction and failure analysis, characterization and design of cellular materials with custom physical properties.

Technology Offer
  • Integrityandfailureanalysis of parts, components and structures.
  • Mechanical and fractomechanicalcharacterization of materialsthrough standard and specialtests. TheDivision has thecapabilitiesforthedesign of tests, theconstruction of specificequipment (machines, accessories and tools), specimenspreparartion, and theimplementation and execution of thetests.
  • Experimental analysis of tensionsthroughelectricalextensometry. Measurement of residual stresses.
  • Design and inspection of weldingprocedures.
  • Computationalmodeling of thermo-mechanicalproblems, weldingresidual stresses and damagepropagation.
  • Computationalmodeling of orthopedicimplantsfor stress analysisaccording to ASTM and IRAM standards. Modelbuildingfrom medical images.


> Chapetti, MircoJefe de División
Tel.: 54 223 626-6646

> Cisilino, Adrián
Tel.: 54 223 626-6639

> Pardo, Enrique
Tel.: 54 223 481-6600 Int: 247

> Márquez, Aníbal
Tel.: 54 223 481-6600 Int: 186

Personal de Apoyo
> Belmonte, Juan Carlos
Tel.: 54 223 626-6600

> Jaureguizahar, Sebastian Martín

> Reuteman, Alejandro

> Wagner, Gustavo
Tel.: 54 223 481-6600 Int: 268

> Stocchi, Eduardo Alfonso
Tel.: 54 223 481-6600 Int: 268

> Kalafatovich, Mariano Daniel
Tel.: 54 223 626-6636

> Colabella, Lucas
Tel.: 54 223 481-6600 Int: 186

> Frayssinet, Enrique
> Molina, Carlos

> Seoane, Irene
Tel.: 54 223 481-6600 

Colaboradores externos
> Araujo, Verónica